Meet people, do stuff.
A Cappella

The a cappella scene in St Andrews is massive! We represent six amazing groups that you can be a part of. We provide support to these groups in performances across town and even across the country.

We perform in everything from charity events to national competitions. We host two large events each year: our annual Christmas Concert, and a Summer Showcase of our competition sets. Find us at Freshers' Fayre and Music Fayre to any questions about auditions or the society. This is the place to be if you love singing, dancing, and having a great time!

Meet our groups

The Accidentals (all female)

The Accidentals

The Alleycats (mixed)

The Alleycats

BELLS (mixed)


The Hummingbirds (all female)

The Hummingbirds


The Other Guys (all male)

The Other Guys

The Rich Teas

The Rich Teas


Vocal Bandits (mixed, unauditioned)

The Vocal Bandits


  • A Cappella - Standard Membership£3.00 Buy

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