A group of students stand outside holding election banners.

On this page

What are the Students' Association Elections?

The Students’ Association Elections are our yearly election process where you vote in your elected officers.

The Students’ Association touches every part of your student experience, from events and activities, clubs and societies, diversity and inclusion, academic issues, housing, and so much more. Your elected officers run campaigns and represent you to the University and to other external groups, and many of them allocate the funding that support various elements of campus life.

The Elections are your chance to decide who speaks for you on huge topics like extensions for your coursework, new halls that the Uni is building, or how much support students get for mental health – just to name a few! Any student can vote and anyone in good standing can run for a position.


What's happening when?


  1. Nudge Tool and Pledge to Vote forms open

17 - 27 February

  1. Nominations


  1. Elections Launch Party


  1. Nominations close
  2. Mandatory meeting for candidates


  1. Sabbatical debate

12 - 13 March

  1. Voting

13 March


  1. Results announced

Common questions

Who can run for which positions? Any student in good standing can run for most positions. You have to be an honours-level student (in the 2024-25 academic year) and enrolled in modules in the relevant school/faculty to be able to run for a School President or Faculty President role.
How does the voting work? The Students’ Association Elections are run using a ranked-choice voting system. For each position, you select candidates by ranking them in order of preference (one being the highest). Once you have finished ranking candidates, you can move on to the next position.
Do I have to vote for every position? Nope! You can vote for as many positions on the ballot as you like. That can be just for one friend running for one position, all of them, or any number in between!
Who or what is RON? RON stands for Re-Open Nominations; each position will include RON as an option. If you don’t support any of the candidates running in the election, you can rank RON above them. If RON wins an election, we will re-open the post for nominations.
If I run and win, when does my role start?

All SRC Roles (excluding the Faculty Presidents) will handover and start before the end of term (specific dates to be announced). Sabbatical Officers, Student Trustees, School Presidents, Language Convenors, and the two Faculty Presidents all take office on 1 July each year (serving until 30 June the following year.)




What positions are available?

There are around 50 elected positions within the Students' Association. More information about the types of positions can be found on our Democracy Review page.

See below the elected candidates for 2024.


Sabbs are students taking a full year our of their studies (or the year after their studies) to represent students full-time. Sabbaticals (or Sabbs) are paid for their time and lead the overall Association.


Association President

Leads the Association as the main spokesperson for students.

🎉 Winner: Cam Brown


Hana El Hilaly

Make This Union Yours

Athletic Union President

Represents and manages student sport.

🎉 Winner: Olivia King

Make your mark

Director of Education

Advocates for improvements to academics.

🎉 Winner: Hitanshi Badani

(Hitan)she’s the one!

Director of Events and Services

Designs and implements events for students by students.

🎉 Winner: Milo Hill

Your Union. My Promise.

Director of Student Development and Activities

Supports co-curricular development opportunities for students.

🎉 Winner: Cat Martin

Cat’s got your back!

Julia Lisco

Let’s Go Lisco!

Robert Moran

Have no FoMO; Vote for Romo!

Urquhart Dyce

Roll The Dyce

Director of Wellbeing and Equality

Champions student health, diversity, and inclusion.

🎉 Winner: Caitlin Ridgway

Keep caring, keep achieving, keep Caitlin

Lauren “Lo” Burnett

Lo and Behold, Your New DoWell

Student Representative Council

22 Officers form the Student Representative Council, the legally recognised voice for students at the University of St Andrews. In addition to representing student interests on a variety of areas (like LGBT+ inclusion, Environment, BAME, or Accommodation), the SRC votes on important all-student issues, like responding to strike action or legislation passed through the Scottish government. SRC Officers are part-time representative positions taken on during your studies.


Accommodation Officer

Liaises to improve private & uni accommodation options.

🎉 Winner: Jack McNealy

Finding affordable housing solutions

Julia Roeterdink

Stop the marketization. Housing for all students.

Alumni Officer

Connects alumni and students, enhancing professional development.

🎉 Winner: Daria Gusa

Bridging Generations for Building Our Futures

Amirah Khatoon

Fostering unity for everyone.

Arts and Divinity Faculty President

Directs School Presidents' efforts and serves on high level committees.

🎉 Winner: Emily Bannister

A voice for you is a vote for me- Emily!

Association Chair

Convenes and administers internal Union Committees & Council.

🎉 Winner: Molly Keane

I’m Keane to chair your SRC board!

Luke Baird

Prioritising Student Transparency

BAME Officer

Speaks for BAME students and leads the BAME Network.

🎉 Winner: Manya Dutt

Representing, Including and Supporting the BAME Voices of St Andrews

Carers, Commuters, Mature, and Flexible Learners Officer

Supports non-traditional students' experiences.

🎉 Winner: Amanda Cao

My name is Ama, ask me anything!

Mandy Thompson

Consistency. Commitment. Motivation. Focus. Leadership.

Charities Officer

Runs the annual Charities Campaign.

🎉 Winner: Keegan Shimaitis

Supporting UpStAnding Students and OutStAnding Causes

Ellie Trace

Rory McLion is my Fiance

Community Relations Officer

Connects the local community and Students' Association.

🎉 Winner: Lillian Shipman

A Stronger Voice for a Stronger Community

Nicole Klein

As a passionate advocate for student welfare, I would be an excellent fit for this role

Disability Officer

Represents disabled students' needs and experiences.

🎉 Winner: Lauren Cook

Getting help should never be a hassle.

Molly Reade

Opening all doors to disabled students

Employability Officer

Enhances students' career outcomes.

🎉 Winner: Thomas Carey

Helping Students Reach Their Goals

Environment Officer

Coordinates environmental and sustainbility initiatives.

🎉 Winner: Naomi Smith

Think globally, act locally

Amy Manvell

A sustainable choice a day keeps climate change at bay

Gender Equality Officer

Ensures inclusivity for all genders.

🎉 Winner: Alexander Chun

Equity, opportunity, and safety for all!

International Students' Officer

Speaks on behalf of international students.

🎉 Winner: Taasia Thong

Global Voices, Local Impact

Casey Cortez

Empowering Global Voices, Building Bridges Beyond Borders.

Noor Ul Ain International

International Students-backbone of diversity

LGBT+ Officer

President of Saints LGBT+, organising policy and creating community.

🎉 Winner: Jack Kennedy

Let’s get back to it y’all

Music Officer

Leads Music Fund to support musicians.

🎉 Winner: Rob Johnston

Supporting St Andrews Student Music

Performing Arts Officer

Leads Mermaids to support performing arts.

🎉 Winner: Louise Anderbjork

A strengthened community for inclusive Performing Arts

Jacob Carey

Transforming Mermaids for All

Science and Medicine Faculty President

Directs School Presidents' efforts and serves on high level committees.

🎉 Winner: Phoebe Rickard

All voices should be heard.

Secretary to the SRC

Maintains social media channels and assists with projects.

🎉 Winner: Nuttaricha (Nutty) Ngarmskullert

Feeling Crazy? Vote Nutty for Secretary!

Emaan Naeem

Transparency in Action

Rosie Leslie

Making your life easier

Societies Officer

Helps societies with affiliation, grants, and elections.

🎉 Winner: Caitie Steele

Keeping Societies Connected

Student Health Officer

Voices student health concerns to the Uni and Union.

🎉 Winner: Lola Chirico

Putting your wellbeing first, always.

Madeline Sully

Showing up for the Saints!

Widening Access and Participation Officer

Promotes initiatives related to affordability and resources.

🎉 Winner: Nathaniel Rice

Success starts with access

Other positions


Student Trustees

Two voluntary positions on the Students’ Association Board, filled by Student Trustees, who help set the strategic direction of the Union.

🎉 Winner: Isaac Pickrum

Trust in Isaac

🎉 Winner: Jack Kennedy
Amanda Glazer

Q Manivannan

School Presidents

The main voice for students in your School, who work together to respond to University-wide academic issues (like feedback on assessments, grade appeals, or extensions). School Presidents and Language Convenors are part-time representative positions taken on during your studies; only students studying at the Honours level (during the following academic year) may run to be School President.

🎉 Winner: Finn Bender

A Bright Future for the School of Art History

🎉 Winner: Alicia Barnes

Building a biology study ecosystem - from the Hive to the Nest!

🎉 Winner: Oliver Righton

Oliver - Right-on your side

Aishling Turley O'Neill

Forming Better Bonds!

Karolina Singerova

Providing pathways for success

Mhairi Rose Kinahan

Catalysing Positive Change

🎉 Winner: Jeremy Limbert

Vote Jeremy for a good school, and more importantly, a good time!

Callisto Lodwick

Stronger than a Bear

Matthew Harvey Gay

Matthew for Classics President: Small Things that Make Everyone’s Life Easier

🎉 Winner: Georgia Chiswick

Vote for Me :)

🎉 Winner: Vic Chua

Connect our College

🎉 Winner: Josephine Grzeskowiak-Shipp

Shipp it, don’t skip it; vote Josie!

🎉 Winner: Ariane O'Rourke

Elevating Excellence, Ensuring Equity

Georgi Butch

Payoffs await.

Ilia Tafazzoly

Delivering Shareholder Value

🎉 Winner: Anisha Minocha

Take Anishative: be seen and supported!

Rhiannon Peacock

“To vote, or not to vote, that is the question” - Do, and vote for me!

Rivaa Ubrani

Vote for Rivaa!

🎉 Winner: Emilyanne Chew

Lights, Camera, (Academic) Action!

🎉 Winner: Sara Whiteman

Let’s Make a Difference

Logan Elliot

Voting Logan is the only slogan

Waru Muchoki

Creating an environment for opportunities in SGSD

🎉 Winner: Nick Townsend

More Support, More Opportunities, More Events :)

Alice Martin

Alice for School of History President: Historically Yours.

Anoushka Ranjit

Want changes made? Anoushka-n make them!

🎉 Winner: Cole Schubert

Choose Cole for IR President!

Isabel Spielberger

Investing in Our Future World Leaders

Michal Tamerlan Bilinski

Change you can count on!

Rob McBride

Vote for Rob!

🎉 Winner: Rodrigue Delbos

This candidate has been found to be in violation of the Election Rules relating to endorsements and personal attacks, and is disqualified.

🎉 Winner: Sebastien Chesse

Real world ready: Choose Chesse

🎉 Winner: Donald Campbell

Vote Donald - Your Significant Figure

🎉 Winner: Jimin Lim

Turning the rocky road that is medicine into a sweet and pleasant experience!

Chirag Randhawa

Your Prescription for Progress: Vote Chirag for Medicine President!

Dara Wood

Vote Wood! You know you should!

Dominic Waring

Progression that benefits you

Finlay O'Hara

Fin for the win!

Lucy Sinclair

Listened and Met

Summer Kwon

Vote Summer for Sum Mer Medicine Innovation!!

🎉 Winner: Kiera Martin

Championing Voices, Celebrating Languages

🎉 Winner: Olivia Griffin

I can be the Mama Bear of Edgecliffe

Rowan Hoover

Who but Hoover?

🎉 Winner: Lucy Kappai

Now I am become President, Organiser of Events

Alex McNeil

Don’t stay Neutral in this election, take Charge of your education!

Hugo Decitre

Vote for Hugo:)

🎉 Winner: Hayley Stone

Hayley Stone for a Rock-Solid Education

Clara Curtis

Bringing You Clara-ty

🎉 Winner: Finn Salisbury

Finn for the Winn!

Language Convenors

Like School Presidents, these representatives work within in each Modern Languages department.

🎉 Winner: Shona McCallum

hello, marhaba, salaam

🎉 Winner: Stefanie Fotso

Stef-ing up our Chinese game

Alistair Grant

Turning your ideas into reality

Jackson Reineman

Your Voice, My Committment: Let’s make next year our best yet!

🎉 Winner: Erin Hugo

Go for Hugo!

🎉 Winner: Tom Rippon

This year hasn’t been a complete disaster, so…

🎉 Winner: Paul Chester

Paul or Nothin’

🎉 Winner: Fleur Stevenson

Making sure you are heard

🎉 Winner: Sydney Ash

Putting the Ash in unASHamed to run again…

🎉 Winner: Christy Forshaw

Vote Christy Forshaw… for sure :)


Candidate support

The Elections Team wants to ensure that running as an Elected Officer is a fun, meaningful experience no matter the result. We’ve developed a few resources to help navigate the Election process.

If you’re considering running, but need more information or just want to talk to someone impartial, you can email us at [email protected] and we’ll help you out 1:1! Normally, we have the following office hours, but can meet outside these upon request.

  •  Mondays: 14:00-15:00, 16:00-17:00
  • Tuesdays: 11:00-12:00, 14:00-16:00
  • Wednesdays: 10:00-11:00, 14:00-15:00
  • Thursdays: 11:00-13:00, 15:00-17:00
  • Fridays: 11:00-13:00, 15:00-16:00

Please email us with a prefered date and time, and a brief description of your inquiry to set up a 1:1 appointment.


Rules and by laws

All candidates and campaign teams are required to read and be familiar with the current Election Rules and Bylaws on this page. These were last updated on 1 March 2023.

The rules are interpreted and updated by the Deputy Returning Officers regularly during the elections period. Changes will be posted below for clarity, and all candidates will be informed of any new interpretations or changes as deemed relevant.

Candidates should check this page and their email addresses for changes.

The Elections are officially overseen by an external Returning Officer, as well as two Deputy Returning Officers (who are staff members at the Students’ Association).

Can I print posters or hand out physical materials?

Yes. Candidates are allowed to print and hand out materials; printed materials must be accounted for in the candidate budget. 

Can I create my social media before campaigning begins?

If it can be kept private, yes. For example, unpublished Facebook pages and private YouTube videos are fine, since no one else can see them. Twitter and Instagram accounts cannot be made completely hidden, so we ask that candidates only create these pages once campaigning begins.

Can a candidate support another candidate?

Anyone can support any candidate from their personal accounts. However, a campaign page cannot support another candidate. Candidates may not campaign as a slate.

Who can be on my campaign team?

Only ordinary, life, and honorary members of the Students’ Association are allowed to campaign for any candidate. (All matriculated students are automatically ordinary members unless they have opted out.)

Staff at both the Union and the University of St Andrews are not allowed to campaign. Students who also work for the Union or University can campaign only when off duty.

No subcommittees or Societies of the Students’ Association may endorse any candidate using any official website, social media page, mailing list, or general meeting. Sports Clubs in the Athletic Union are also prohibited from making endorsements.



Interested in turnout statistics and all the numbers from previous elections?

View statistics


Follow the elections' Instagram page for more information @sa.elect