People sitting in The StAge, looking off camera.
Membership and access


Members can enter all our events in The Union Building on production of proof of membership and proof of age upon entry.

Non-members may be signed in as a guest of a member. Non-members may be able to attend events advertised as open to all.


Ordinary members

All current students at the University of St Andrews automatically become ordinary members of the Students' Association when they matriculate, though they may decide to opt out of membership. Matriculation cards are acceptable as proof of membership.

Associate members

All members of staff, at both the University and the Students' Association, are associate members. Staff cards are acceptable as proof of membership.


All St Andrews alumni may access the Union without signing in, but will need ID; old matriculation cards are accepted.

Reciprocal membership

If you are currently a student at a reciprocal University, you do not need to sign in, but will need to show your matriculation card and proof of age on entry.

Reciprocal students' unions

We have a reciprocal agreement with the unions listed below. This means members of these unions can access our building with their student ID, and vice versa.

  • Aberdeen University Students’ Union (1987)
  • Abertay University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Aberystwyth University Guild of Students (1993)
  • Aston University Students’ Union (1980)
  • Bath University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Birbeck College
  • Birmingham University Guild of Students (1991)
  • Bradford University Union (2002)
  • Bristol University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Cardiff University (2001)
  • Caledonian University (Glasgow) (1996)
  • Cambridge University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Cheltenham & Glouchester College Students’ Union (1999)
  • City University Students’ Union (1988)
  • College of St Mark and St John (1999)
  • Coventry Student Union (1998)
  • Cranfield Students’ Association (1999)
  • De Montford University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Derby University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Dundee College of Further Education Students’ Association (1993)
  • Dundee University Students’ Union (1991)
  • Dundee University Students’ Association (1993)
  • East Anglia, University of (1998)
  • Edinburgh College of Art (2002)
  • Edinburgh King’s Buildings Union (1993)
  • Edinburgh University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Glasgow University Queen Margaret Union (1991)
  • Glasgow University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Goldsmiths College
  • Heriot Watt University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Hertfordshire University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Heytrop College
  • Hull University Union (1998)
  • Humberside University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Imperial College Students’ Union (1993)
  • Institute of Education
  • Jewel and Esk Valley College (1998)
  • Jordanhill College Students’ Union (1991)
  • King's College London
  • Kingston University Guild of Students (1993)
  • Leicester University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Leeds University Unnion TAFO (2001)
  • Liverpool Hope Students’ Union (1999)
  • Liverpool Students’ Union (1999)
  • London Business School
  • London School of Economics
  • London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
  • Manchester Metropolitan University (2002)
  • Manchester University School of Medicine (2006)
  • Middlesex University Students’ Union (1998)
  • Moray House Students’ Union (1991)
  • Napier University Students’ Union (1991)
  • Newcastle University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Newi Students’ Union (1999)
  • Northern College Union (Aberdeen) (1995)
  • Northumbria University Students’ Union (1991)
  • Nottingham University Students’ Union (1987)
  • NUI Galway Students’ Union (1999)
  • Open University (2003)
  • Oxford University Union Society (1991)
  • Paisley University Students’ Association (1992)
  • Plymouth University Students’ Union (1993)
  • QM College (Edinburgh) (1999)
  • Queen’s University of Belfast Students’ Union (1980)
  • Reading University Students’ Union (1991)
  • Robert Gordon University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Royal Scottish Academy of Music & Drama (1999)
  • Salford Unviersity (2001)
  • Sheffield Hallam Student Union (1998)
  • Sheffield University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Southampton University Students’ Union (1993)
  • St Andrews College Union (1993)
  • St David’s University College Students’ Union (1987)
  • Staffordshire Polytechnic Students’ Union (1991)
  • Stevenson College Students’ Union (1993)
  • Stirling University Alangrange Student/Staff Club (1984)
  • Stirling University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Strathclyde University Students’ Association (1993)
  • Surrey University Students’ Union (1993)
  • Sussex University Students’ Union (1981)
  • Swansea University Students’ Union (1987)
  • Queen Mary University
  • Royal Academy of Music
  • Royal Holloway University of London
  • Royal Veterinary College of London
  • School of Oriental and African Studies
  • School of Pharmacy
  • St George’s Hospital of Medicine School
  • UMIST Students’ Union (1991)
  • University College London
  • University of Central Lancashire Students’ Union (1991)
  • University of Kent Students’ Union (2001)
  • University of London Union (1993)
  • University of Portsmouth Students’ Union (1999)
  • University of Wales, Bangor Students’ Union (1999)
  • Warrington Student’s Union (1999)
  • Warwick University Students’ Union (1993)
  • West of England University (1998)
  • Wolverhampton University Students’ Union (2001)
  • York University Students’ Union (1993)

Opting out of membership

Under the 1994 Education Act, all students have the right to opt out of Students' Association membership:

How to opt out

Contact [email protected] with the words ‘Membership Opt-Out’ in the title of the email. You will need to tell us your University email address and matriculation number.

We will then contact you, and if you confirm to us your intention to opt out, we will remove your membership and notify the University that you are no longer a member of the Association.

The University and Students' Association are committed to ensuring that all students are treated in a fair manner, and that students who choose to opt out of membership are not unfairly disadvantaged. Notwithstanding this, for various reasons there will be some aspects of the Association that non-members can’t take part in. For members who opt out, this means:

  • You will be able to make appointments to see our advice staff as normal, for help with problems such as appeals, complaints, and University discipline.
  • You can use any of our commercial services, but for those such as bars which are only available to members, you will need to sign in as a guest.
  • You won’t be able to sign guests into the building.
  • You won't be able to stand for election, nominate a candidate, or vote in Association elections.
  • You won't be able to vote in Association referendums or general meetings.
  • You won’t be considered a member of Association subcommittees, such as Mermaids, STAR, Charities Campaign, or Saints LGBT+. This may restrict your ability to participate in some of their activities.
  • You may be able to join affiliated societies depending on their own constitution, but it’s unlikely you would be able to hold posts such as President or Treasurer.

If you later decide to opt back in, whilst still a student, contact [email protected] with the words ‘Membership Opt-In’ in the title of your email, providing your University email address and matriculation number.


Ticketed Events

Non-members can access the building at any time provided they have a ticket to an event advertised as open to all.


All members and alumni may sign in up to 4 guests (guest must be over 18). Guest entry costs £1 in addition to your ticket price.

Members under the age of 18 are not allowed to sign in guests as they cannot hold responsibility for peers over the age of 18.

Please note that members may be disciplined should their signed in guests break any house rules.

Proof of age

We operate a “challenge 25” policy.

To purchase alcohol, you may also be asked to show proof of age.

See for more information.

Anyone who appears to look under the age of 25 should expect to have to show ID/proof of age on request.

  We accept these forms of ID. Please click this link for more information.


If you are a matriculated student at The University of St Andrews you are able to enter all our events in The Union Building. You will be required to show your matriculation card and government ID

People aged 16 or 17:

  • Associate members may access the licensed areas of the building until 7pm.
  • Non-members may access licensed areas of the building until 7pm, if they are the child/dependant of a member and accompanied by said member.
  • Non-reciprocal members and non-members may be able to access licensed areas of the building after 7pm only for ticketed events, if access is arranged and advertised in advance.

People aged under 16:

  • Will not be permitted access to licensed areas during semester
  • May be permitted access to licensed areas during University vacations, at the discretion of the Personal Licence Holder on duty, if they are the child/dependant of a member or attending a prearranged event.

Right of admission reserved

Management & staff reserve the right to refuse entry and eject persons from the premises.

All persons entering the premises may be subject to search.