Carers, Commuters, Mature, and Flexible Learners

We are responsible for representing student carers, commuters, mature and flexible learners.

The Carers, Commuters, Mature and Flexible Learners Forum, operates as a dedicated subcommittee of the student association. 

Our main objectives are to provide advocacy, support, and arrange events for students who commute, have dependents, are unpaid carers, mature students, and those pursuing non-traditional learning routes such as part-time, evening, or distance learning. We strive to ensure that all students at the University of St Andrews have an inclusive student experience, and we are committed to helping them navigate their way through their entire time at the university.

We have a Facebook group where you will find up to date information and advice for all - if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas you can post them and there is always someone happy to help. You can also contact the subcommittee directly by emailing [email protected].

In our dedicated Teams Channel, we host online events and committee meetings. There are areas for general meetings, chats, and advice. Commuter areas to keep each other up to date on traffic etc. Carers and Parents/Guardians have closed groups (for privacy) that you can request access too by emailing [email protected].

Check out all of our links here - 



This group is a Union subcommittee, not a society, so everyone's automatically a member!

Subcommittees are large groups funded directly by the Union.

Interest list

Tick the box and hit Save to join the interest list for free. The subcommittee can send you their mailing list and other updates so you can see what they're up to.

Log in to register interest.


No news published.

No resources available.