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Welsh (Cymraeg)

Connecting people who are Welsh, Welsh adjacent, or even Welsh curious in St Andrews // Dod a’r Cymry, Cymru adjacent, neu hyd yn oed Cymru curious ynghŷd yn St Andrews



We are the St  Andrews Welsh Society // Ni yw Cymdeithas Cymry St Andrews

We give you  the chance to meet other Welsh people, to use your Welsh, and celebrate Welsh sport // Ŷ’n ni’n cynnig y cyfle i chi gwrdd â Chymry eraill, i ddefnyddio’ch Cymraeg, ac i ddathlu chwaraeon Gymreig

But we aren’t insular; the Welsh are notorious for their warmth and friendliness, and the Welsh Society encourages people from all nationalities to come and enjoy the best of Welsh culture as well as Welsh history, food, language, and general willingness to have a laff // Ond dŷ’n ni ddim yn gïl; mae’r Cymry’n adnabyddus am eu gwedd cynhesol a’u cyfeillgarwch, ac mae’r gymdeithas yn annog pobl o bob cenedl i ddod a mwynhau’r gorau o ddiwylliant Gymreig yn ogystal â’r hanes, bwyd, iaith, ac ymrwymiad at joio sy’n gynhenid i’r Cymry

We get together as a community for a broad range of events, from casual socials to Welsh language lessons to St David’s Day dinners and everything in between;  we have something for everyone // Ŷ’n ni’n cwrdd fel cymuned ar gyfer amryw amgen o ddigwyddiadau, o socials casual i wersi Cymraeg i giniawau Gwyl Dewi a phopeth rhyngddynt; mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb

Come join us! // Dewch i ymuno â ni!


Memberships for 2024-25 will be available in September.

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