Meet people, do stuff.
Psychology and Neuroscience

Bringing together, entertaining, and supporting all those interested in Psychology and Neuroscience.

The Psychology & Neuroscience Society organises a variety of events every semester, ranging from social to more academically themed events. Some of the most popular ones include talks with exciting speakers, Mental Health First Aid courses, mindfulness sessions, career and volunteering fairs, hoodie sales, pub quizzes, movie nights, and our annual ball. 

We want to both bring students together in fun settings, and support them in terms of academic opportunities, broadening their horizons. We also hold events where students get to chat with staff members more informally.

Finally, you don't need to be a Psychology & Neuroscience student to attend our events. All those interested in Psychology and Neuroscience are welcome.


  • Psychology and Neuroscience - Standard Membership£4.00 Buy

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