Meet people, do stuff.
Model United Nations

Debating and simulation society for any student to discuss topics from Brexit to Star Wars.

The St Andrews Model United Nations Society offers any and all (not just IR!) students the opportunity to simulate and debate international diplomacy using both real and fictitious events.

We hold bi-weekly internal conferences where we debate all manner of scenarios, from the Suez Canal crisis to the post-WW1 treaties to the American Civil War! Some of these are structured like the United Nations or other International treaty negotiations, others are crisis debates, which will allow you to play out your role in real time! We also regularly attend external conferences at other universities giving delegates and chairs a chance to test their skills, meet new people from around the world and enjoy the full extent of what MUN has to offer.

With some experience or none, come join an interesting, enthusiastic, and fun group of students who are willing to have hearty debates about honestly any topic. 


Memberships for 2024-25 will be available in September.

Interest list

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