Meet people, do stuff.
Mathematical (SUMS)

SUMS is the best way for you to indulge in a little bit of maths and make some friends along the way.

As the name suggests, the St Andrews University Mathematics Society (SUMS for short) is primarily concerned with establishing a community of people interested in maths!

To do this, SUMS runs a number of regular events, including:
Lunchtime lectures: fascinating talks in which distinguished lecturers and guests give a look into their research area or an underappreciated part of maths that more people should know about.
MATHOPOLY Board Games socials: does just what it says on the tin. We also sometimes bring our own problems.
Pub socials: a chance to relax and nerd out about maths to the fullest extent. 

We also hold larger events throughout the year, such as:
Balls: In conjunction with the School of Maths and Stats, we organise an annual ball to celebrate Pi Day! It's a great excuse to get dressed up and have a fun, tangentially maths-themed evening with your friends. We also host a Christmas dinner, where staff and students alike can mingle and enjoy seasonal festivities. 
Maths competitions: In 2020, we hosted the inaugural Scottish University Maths Olympiad (SUMO), bringing in over 20 teams from 5 different universities to compete against each other in a fun team maths competition. We also hold an annual integration bee! 
Student-Staff Charity Quiz: teams of lecturers from each of the departments and teams of undergraduates are pitted against each other in an exciting game-show style battle of wits – all for charity.

All this for the low membership cost of £3!

If you would like to get involved, follow our Facebook and Instagram pages and make sure to watch out for our freshers events and committee elections. We can’t wait to meet you!


  • Mathematical (SUMS) - Standard Membership£3.00 Buy

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