Meet people, do stuff.
Science Fiction and Fantasy

The result of limitless enthusiasm and appreciation of all things not quite of this world, this society brings students together to share their interests and passions, enjoy!

We're all about fantasy, science fiction, and any other kind of weird or speculative fiction.

Normally we hold viewings of various films and TV shows related to our interests or board game nights, but we also run other events like a book club and socials.

Feel free to come along, as all our events are free for members and non-members alike!

Check out our Facebook or Instagram to keep up to date with our events or sign up to the interest list below and we'll add you to our mailing list. 


Memberships for 2024-25 will be available in September.

Interest list

Not sure about membership yet? Tick the box and hit Save to join the interest list for free. The society can send you their mailing list and other updates so you can see what they're up to.

Log in to register interest.


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