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Gluten Free

Gluten Free St Andrews is a student society to foster a community of gluten-free students to share delicious food, recipes, support, and experiences.

Gluten Free St Andrews is a society formed with the aim of creating a community of gluten-free people in St Andrews to share excellent gluten-free food, recipes, and experiences. We spread awareness of Coeliac Disease and gluten intolerance/allergies and campaign for the rights of gluten-free people. We host regular events involving delicious gluten-free food and baked goods, including bake sales, bake-along events, homemade pizza nights, cookie decorating, cake & coffee meet-ups, and discussions. We want to continue these events and more within the University and the wider St Andrews community.

Over the last academic year, we gathered student feedback and submitted a motion to the Students' Representative Council to improve the safety and quality of gluten-free options in university catering and buildings. This motion passed unanimously, mandating better conditions and options. We convinced Catering Services to provide annual gluten-free training for all cooking and serving staff, and we hope to further the conditions over the next year.

If you have a gluten free recipe, a personal experience connected to being gluten-free or anything gluten-related that you think might spread awareness, please send it to us at [email protected], so we can share it with our community!


Memberships for 2024-25 will be available in September.

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