Proctor's Award
The Students' Association, in partnership with the University, established the Proctor's Award to recognise the commitment of students in enhancing learning and teaching at St Andrews. The Proctor's Award will appear on a student's HEAR transcript.
Nominations for the Proctors Award occur annually during Semester Two.
Previous winners

2022/23: Francesca Lavelle
Fran was awarded the Proctor’s Award for her outstanding contributions as the Arts & Divinity Faculty President. Fran’s inspirational leadership extended across discipline (often, even across faculty) and created an environment for academic representatives to achieve their best. In a year full of important and unexpected challenges, Fran has guided the student voice with grace. Her efforts have paved the way for ongoing change on extension policies and a comprehensive student response to the University’s plan to create a Business School. Fran founded the Arts & Divinity Faculty Journal, a space where undergraduate students can publish their academic writing and receive recognition for their achievements. (At the time of the award ceremony, the Journal reached an impressive 10,000 readers).
Over her four years at St Andrews, Fran served as an academic representative. As a Class Rep in Management, Fran provided transitional guidance to first-year peers at the onset of the pandemic and held skill-building classes for students to gain confidence in time-management and approaching staff. As School President of Management, Fran logged over 500 volunteering hours and worked with her reps to create a “Skillsets for Sustainability” course for the Professional Skills Curriculum.

2021/22: Sarah Johnston
Sarah was awarded the Proctor’s Award for her outstanding contributions as the Science & Medicine Faculty President. Sarah created community by uniting volunteers across all sectors of the Union to make longstanding change to the benefit of students. The panel were particularly impressed by Sarah’s collaborative efforts to diversify the sciences and make learning more accessible to all. From founding DIVERSTEM and LGBT+ STEM Week to partnering with the Disabled Students’ Network to tackle lab accessibility, Sarah leaves a tremendous legacy of inclusion at the University of St Andrews. Her other initiatives, regarding study spaces during the pandemic such as raising awareness of hidden disabilities, and creating academic resources and planners for students will long be remembered and valued.
Prior to serving as a Faculty President, Sarah served as School President for Physics and Astronomy and dedicated two additional years of service as a Class Representative. Throughout her years at St Andrews, Sarah accumulated an unmatched record of service, making outstanding contributions to groups such as: Raising and Giving (RAG) Week; Musical Theatre Society; Dance Club; Societies Committee; Mermaids; G&S Society; On the Rocks; and Wellbeing Week.

2020/21: Joe Horsnell
Joe was awarded the Proctor’s Award for his outstanding contributions as the Arts & Divinity Faculty President. The panel were particularly impressed by Joe’s responsiveness to the challenges of the pandemic and the efforts he made to ensure effective student representation by establishing the new class rep position, the Online Rep. Joe’s work to strengthen training and resources for School Presidents, as well as the partnerships he built between academic representatives and the Careers Centre will have lasting impacts for years to come. Finally, Joe established a Study Buddy Scheme to address isolation and loneliness by linking with another student in their School for support.
Prior to becoming Faculty President, Joe served as School President of International Relations. His achievements there include: establishing the Careers Centre Student Advisory Board; pioneering an International Relations Careers Series; remodelling the School’s Student-Staff Consultative Committee (SSCC) structure to implement more student-suggested solutions; continuing to lead the Ambassadors Ball and other socials; and working with CEED (then CAPOD) to establish Academic Skills Workshops for IR Students.
2019/20: Nathan Titterton
Nathan was awarded the Proctor's Award for his exceptional commitment to the enhancement of learning and teaching in his role as Medicine School President.
The panel were particularly impressed by his efforts to ensure everyone in his School is represented, through establishing a peer-assisted learning scheme for ScotGEM students to running feedback sessions though videoconference for students on clinical placements.
Nathan's excellent contributions to building community in his School, through the organisation of study-skills sessions and wellbeing resources, were also highlighted. Finally, the panel commended Nathan for his enthusiasm, diligence and professionalism, as well as his ability to bring staff and students together in a focused and collaborative way.
2018/19: Sophia Rommel
Sophia was awarded the Proctor's Award for her incredible achievements as School President of Philosophy. The panel were impressed by her efforts to ensure everyone in her department has a voice and her hard work in furthering community. Sophia's tireless commitment to interdisciplinary events, her creativity and professionalism, her work on the Equality and Diversity committee, and her overall commitment to her department were also highlighted. Sophia was recognised as an enthusiastic member of the Education Committee team, and has always gone above and beyond her School President remit.
2017/18: Ellen White
Ellen was awarded the Proctor's Award for her outstanding contribution to the role of School President of English. The panel were impressed by her endeavours representing the School's undergraduate and postgraduate communities, in addition to having demonstrated exceptional commitment to providing support for others by working to expand provisions for student study space in the School. Finally, the panel commended Ellen for her enthusiastic contribution as a member of the team which organised interdisciplinary careers events.
2016/17: Ruaraidh Maciver
Ruaraidh received the Proctor's Award for his commitment to the role of School President of Classics. The judging panel were impressed by his efforts to change the School's extension policy and for supporting the social community by helping to organise the first History and Classics Ball.
2015/16: Eleanor Mullin
Eleanor has been a Class Rep, the School President of Philosophy and the Faculty President of Arts and Divinity. Her nominators wrote that she "had been a rock" and a leader for the School Presidents in the last year. She has gone above and beyond her call of duty as an academic representative and, for this reason, she has been awarded the Proctor's Award.
2014/15: Martin Eide
Martin was awarded the Proctor's Award for his exceptional commitment as a Class Rep in both International Relations and Modern Languages. The judging panel was particularly impressed with Martin’s very diplomatic yet forceful efforts as Persian Class Rep in helping to secure Persian as an Honours discipline, and his efforts to promote employability over the past year in his role as Class Rep in the School of International Relations.
2013/14: Maxwell Fabiszewski
Maxwell received the Proctor's Award for his exceptional commitment to duties as School President in Classics, as a member of the SRC Education Committee, and as an active, engaged student who has done much to further the educational experience of others. His work as a volunteer teaching assistant in Latin was particularly praised, as were the revision classes he set up, and his assistance in the Classics Library. His colleagues and tutors appreciate the frank but diplomatic and conscientious way in which he represents other students’ concerns as well as his good humour.