St Andrews Students' Association

Union hacks often use words, phrases, initialisms, and acronyms that few other people understand. Here's a list to help you.


  • Affiliated: societies that have completed the Union affiliation process.
  • AGM: Annual General Meeting, something affiliated societies and subcommittees hold once a year to elect committee members.
  • AOCB: Any Other Competent Business, usually included at the end of meetings for the discussion of any other issues.
  • Association: see Students' Association.
  • Association Councils: the group of elected officers who represent students. Synonymous with Joint Councils. Often referred to as "Councils".
  • AU: Athletic Union. Part of Saints Sport, along with the University's Department of Sport and Exercise. Not quite the same as the Sports Centre.
  • AU Pres: Athletic Union President, one of the sabbs.


  • Barron: a student theatre on North Street, managed by the Union.
  • Badger: a drink available in Main Bar, involving Guinness and white VK.
  • Board: see SAB


  • Carve-up: to choose someone from within a group. Used within Councils to elect positions such as SRC Senior Officer. Compare with co-option.
  • Casual vacancy: a committee position which becomes available partway through its term. Reasons for this may include the resignation, disqualification, or death of the previous holder.
  • Chair: someone who convenes and leads a meeting.
  • Class Rep: a student elected to represent views of other students taking a module.
  • Club 601: the Union's nightclub.
  • Constitution: a document outlining the fundamental purpose and procedures of an organisation. The Union has a constitution, as do all affiliated groups.
  • Convenor: a student appointed to run a subcommittee through interview, rather than election. View the full list of officers.
  • Co-option ("co-opt"): to appoint someone to membership of a group, by invitation of the existing members. Used within Councils to fill positions that become vacant. Compare with carve-up.
  • Councillor: a student who sits on Councils, either through election or interview. View the full list of officers.
  • Councils: see Association Councils



  • EDF: Education Discretionary Fund. Supports School Presidents and Class Reps in promoting academic representation.
  • EDI: Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.
  • EduCom: Education Committee.
  • EGM: Extraordinary General Meeting. Affiliated groups might call an EGM if they need to fill a committee position, and can't wait for their AGM.
  • Elections: in March each year, around 60 students are elected to represent the student population in St Andrews. Find more info at Elections.
  • Ents: a subcommittee of student volunteers, who organise tech for all events within the Union.
  • Exec: see SAEC.


  • FiEld: a grass area behind the Union.


  • GNS: Governance, Nominations, and Staffing. A group within SAB which discusses matters concerning how the Association functions.


  • HLM: Honorary Life Membership. Awarded to 50 students each year, for outstanding contribution to the student experience.


  • In camera: the part of a meeting which is only open to committee members.


  • JC: Joint Councils. The SRC and SAF together form JC. Joint Councils is responsible for voting on motions on behalf of the student population. Synonymous with Association Councils.


  • Laws: rules governing the operation of the Association.
  • Lay trustee: a member of SAB who is neither a sabb nor University staff.


  • Member: any member of the Students' Association. Usually interchangeable with "current students", but can apply to staff, life members, or reciprocal members. Find out more at Membership.
  • Motion: a document submitted to Councils, asking the Students' Association to address, support, or denounce an issue.



  • Pablo: two shots of vodka and a VK.
  • President: one of the sabbs, responsible for student representation, press, and the public image of the Students' Association. Not in charge of everything; title of "President" is misleading.
  • Proctor: University Vice-Principal, responsible for learning and teaching.
  • Provost: University Vice-Principal, responsible for postgraduate education and research.


  • Quaestor: University Vice-Principal, responsible for professional services such as IT Services, Estates, Legal, Sport, and Finance.


  • Rector: a member of University Court, elected by students.
  • RON: Re-Open Nominations. In any student election, you will have the option to vote for RON. If RON wins, the position will return to being advertised as open for nominations.


  • SAB: Students' Association Board (also known as "Board").
  • Sabb: sabbatical officer. A student, elected to take a year out working for students at the Union.
  • SAEC: Students' Association Executive Committee. A subset of Councils, responsible for deciding HLMs. Often referred to as "Exec".
  • SAF: Student Activities Forum. The section of Councils responsible for activities. Known as SSC until March 2021.
  • School President: a student elected to represent student views within their academic school.
  • Society: (sometimes plural "socs") a group of students with a shared interest. Affiliated societies are supported by the Union, and charge at least £3 per year membership. View the full list at all societies.
  • SRC: Students' Representative Council. The section of Councils responsible for representation.
  • SSC: (obsolete) Student Services Council. Renamed to SAF in March 2021. Before this, members had voting rights equal to SRC officers.
  • StAge: a venue in the Union, with retractable seating and a stage.
  • StAnd Together: a group focusing on student wellbeing and mutual support.
  • Standing orders: a set of rules governing the procedures of meetings of a group.
  • STAR: St Andrews Radio, a subcommittee of the Students' Association. Operates a broadcasting studio within the Union building.
  • Students' Association: the body responsible for representing students at the University of St Andrews.
  • STV: Single Transferable Vote, used in Union elections.
  • Subcommittee: a super society, receiving its funding directly from the Union. All current students are automatically members of all subcommittees. View the list of SRC subcommittees and SAF subcommittees.
  • SVS: St Andrews Voluntary Service. A subcommittee of the Union.


  • Trustee: a member of SAB.


  • Ultra vires: an act which requires legal authority but is done without it.
  • Union: usually refers to the Union building. Interchangeable with Students' Association in most contexts.
  • Union hack: you, reading this.
  • University: the University of St Andrews.


  • Zero Tolerance Policy: a policy to protect members, staff, and visitors to the Union from harassment and bullying.