The Student Services Council (SSC) supports and leads the activities and events of the Students' Association.

The subcommittees make up the bulk of the SSC. There are twelve subcommittees that all students are automatically a part of: the Charities Campaign, Union Debating Society, Design Team, Ents Crew, LGBT, Mermaids, Music is Love, STAR, On the Rocks Arts Festival and SVS. There is also the Postgraduate Society for all postgraduate students. These subcommittees have no membership fees and host events and activities that are welcome to all students. 

The head of each subcommittee sits on the SSC. The subcommittees are supported by the SSC External Funding Officer and the SSC Member without Portfolio. There are three Association Officers - Community Relations, Environment & Ethics, and LGBT - who sit on both the SRC and SSC. 

The Societies Officer also sits on the SSC and represents the view of the Societies Committee. The Societies Committee are in charge of administration for all 150+ affiliated societies.  

All four of the sabbatical officers are also members of both Students' Association Councils (SRC & SSC). All council meetings are managed by the Association Chair

Together, these student representatives work to organise and coordinate student events and activities to ensure that you get the most out of your Union. 

For a full list of of current members of the SSC please see 'Your Officers'.

The SSC runs according to rules set out in the Standing Orders of the Association. A summary of the the contemporary precedents and practices of the Association can be found in Precedents of the Association Councils.

The SSC meet every other Tuesday and you are welcome to come along any week! If you have any questions please email [email protected]. Additionally for information on proceedings you can view the simplified Councils rules


Semester 1 and 2 Meeting Schedule


Semester 1

Joint Councils, 24th September 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room

SSC, 8th October 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room

Joint Councils, 15th October 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room

SSC, 5th November 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room

Joint Councils, 19th November, Large Rehearsal Room

Semester 2

SSC, 11th February 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room

Joint Councils, 25th February 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room

Joint Councils, 31st March 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room

SSC, 14th April 6pm, Large Rehearsal Room