St Andrews Students' Association
Why YOU and everyone else should vote in the elections

Why YOU and everyone else should vote in the elections

You might find campaigning annoying, but people care enough to do it, so you can care too.

Vote: to see change

Vote: because indifference breeds indifference

Vote: because even if it isn’t going to affect your time at university, it’s going to matter to someone else.

If you vote you have right to hold us to account and we want you to! Nobody else will. We are proud to be student-voted, student led, student run. This could be the one time in your life where you may be able to see the direct results of a vote. I may be leaving this year but I am still going to vote because this university, this union, and these students, matter to me. Memories of my time are already fading into distant Facebook albums, but some people have just arrived. And there is so much still to be improved.

It is so unbelievably easy to vote: it is online, so you can be hungover in bed and still do it. You have two whole days to vote! You can be hungover in bed for two days and still get your vote in without moving.

If you think voting is uncool, what about voting is uncool? Is taking an interest in something uncool? We are all at this university because we proved we had an interest in something. So if it’s uncool to be interested, then we are all uncool, so get voting. If that does not convince you, then here is another reminder: it is online (and you never need to tell anyone if you really don’t want to).

In September last year, the Independence Referendum brought out the passion of a nation and all welcomed visitors to our nation, so try and muster that same energy half a year on.

When you vote you are not just a matriculation number; you are a person who wants to make a difference. You do not need to get involved, but vote for the people who do and those who are going to change something. Your opinion counts. We have had some races be separated by dozens of votes out of thousands. One vote can actually make a difference.

So don’t be selfish, don’t be lazy, be more involved, and take five minutes to vote via!